care 的用法
care n.& v.
1. 照顾 care for=look after
=take care of
2. 关心,在意,担心 care about
3. 小心 take care
=be careful
=look out
4. careful adj. 小心的
careless adj. 粗心的;大意的
carefully adv. 谨慎地,仔细地
1. The doctors and nurses in the hospital can look after your baby well.
= The doctors and nurses in the hospital can_____ _____your baby well.
= doctors and nurses in the hospital can_____good_____ _____your baby.
2. A friend is a person who I can share everything with; a friend is a person who _____ me; a friend is a person who is always there to person.
A. care for
B. cares about
C. takes care
3. I don't_____who will go to the party with me. I just don't want to be alone.
A. care
B. care for
C. care about
4. 我不介意是否我的朋友和我一样。
I don't_____ _____my friend has the same hobbies as me.
5. Mike promises that he will look after his little sister.
=Mike promises that he will_______ _______his little sister.
=Mike promises that he will_______ _______of his little sister.
6. Please be ______(care) when you are alone.
7. 很多孩子认为他们的父母并不是真的关心他们。
Many children don’t think that __________________________.
- care for; take, care of
- B
- A
- care, of
- care for; take care
- careful
- their parents truly care about them
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