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model n.①样式,型;②模范,典型;③模型;④原型,模特;v.(on,after)模仿,构造

【真题例句】 Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models (n.①) that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.[1997年阅读5]

【例句精译】 一些经济学家认为,旧的经济模式是建立在经济增长和通货膨胀历史联系的基础上的,而世界结构的巨大改变可能已使这套模式不再适用了。

【真题例句】 What they found, in attempting to model (v.) thought, is that the human brain’s roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented — and human perception far more complicated — than previously imagined.[2002年阅读2]

【例句精译】 在试图模仿人类思维的过程中,研究人员发现,人类大脑中的近1000亿个神经细胞要比以前想像的更聪明,人类的感觉器官也比以前想像的更复杂。


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